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About Us

Southeastern Psychiatric Associates was formed by Dr. Dean Solomon and several colleagues in 1983.  Doctors Warstadt and Marcus soon joined in 1989.  They had all worked together on the inpatient psychiatric unit at Carney Hospital, and SEPA was their outpatient “office down the hall” where they saw their private patients.  Dennise Carratazola started out as our receptionist and only employee in 1986, and has since grown into office manager and captain of the ship.

Over time, the outpatient side flourished, and one by one the partners stepped away from their inpatient work, in favor of the kind of work to which they have dedicated their lives; sitting in an office with people and helping them improve their lives.

We started looking around for people who could share the work, and who embodied our values of professionalism and compassion. One by one, we have added staff so that we now have fourteen dedicated and talented clinicians (doctors, nurse practitioners, psychologists, and social workers), a TMS technician, the best front office in the business (ask anyone who knows them), and one part time therapy dog. In addition to our main office in Randolph, we have offices, at Carney Hospital in Dorchester and Central Square, Cambridge.

In 2016 we added an exciting new dimension, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation or TMS, bringing in a cutting edge, non-pharmacological option for treating depression.

Although it’s how we make our living, it’s also our mission and it lends meaning to our lives. We’re here to help.

Schedule An Appointment

Southeastern Psychiatric Associates 

1093 North Main Street

Randolph, MA 02368

Carney Hospital

2100 Dorchester Ave.

7th Floor

Dorchester, MA 02124


875 Massachusetts Ave.

Suite 54

Cambridge, MA 02139

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